Thursday, August 16, 2012

Birchbox: Glamour

I actually thought I had posted July's Birchbox already! Alas, I did not, but the box casually sitting next to my computer prompted me to check. So, I will give my usual on this. I am not sure how many people actually read this, and yes I know I can do google analytics to track these sort of things, but I have honestly been dealing with so much, more than my usual "just don't seem to have the time" sort of mentality. But fashion, styling, makeup, hair, it's my bliss...I never thought I would find my niche in the adult career world, and maybe I still haven't, but I know I'm on the right path. I made a huge decision to get my cosmetology license after having already matriculated (yeah, big word, oooooh) from college with my Bachelor's Degree. Now, I'm beginning to realize I am more of a free spirit than I ever thought, maybe I am meant to have all this particular education for a reason...still figuring out what that means in the grand scheme of things. What prompted this "soul searching", shall we call it?? Well, I have recently had someone try and steal my bliss. Not that they were out to intentionally do it, but it happened and it's puzzled me. I am smarter than so many people give me credit for, and perhaps some people shouldn't underestimate as much. I truly do not like being in a situation were I am made to feel stupid, or less than what I am. That's all I've come up to say about that...not very poignant, I know, but hey this is a Birchbox post so here we go...

This Birchbox (July) was put together through a partnership with Glamour magazine (oohs and ahhs may be inserted here if you feel the need for additional effect)...It also has to do with the senses: smell, touch, taste, hear and was actually a great little box! SN: When I got home August's box was here and I haven't opened it yet, but I've been hearing good things ;)

Box Cover.

Off with the lid!!

The Contents!!

 So, unfortunately my little contents card is now M.I.A, so I don't have the legit product descriptions with all their benefits and what not...soooo...I will do my best. If you are a BB member, you know every box varies, and if you're not a member, well, you probably should be...
Here's what I got in my box:
*An Eyeko London Skinny liquid liner in black...this looks full size to me, or very close (but like I said I lost my content card so I'm wingin' this...sorrry)...It's a felt tip liquid liner, and it goes on really smooth. A few "mehh" things about it...I thought the application lacked in pigment when applying over shadow, but on it's own or with nude/neutrals it was great. The lasting power, well, it was ok, enough to get through a standard workday with no smudging I suppose...when I layered it over my Urban Decay 24/7 in Zero, that was the golden ticket of pigment and lasting power right there!!
*AHAVA Time to Clear Purifying Mud Mask... .9 oz sample size. This is a dead sea mud mask good for sensitive skin, which actually, I think I may use today...I need some purifying.
* mintease Regroup tea mints...flavor--ginger pear...this is pretty self-explanatory, yes...
*Earbuds...mine are neon blue and pretty colors are always a plus in my book! Glamour's beauty editors out together a "getting pretty" playlist that can be found at
*Harvey Prince "You had me at Hello" fragrance sample...this smells soooo good, I was pleasantly surprised. You can go to to read up on the brand and check things out. It's a cool company they started in dedication to their mother, and all their ingredients are natural and high quality. This particular scent is made from meyer lemon, mandarin, grapefruit, forsythia (a floral) and plumeria. They use the citrus because "it's nature's way of saying 'Good Morning'", the forsythia because it's an early Spring bloom that is a welcome sign of new beginnings and possibilities and the plumeria because the flowers are traditionally used in Hawaiian leis, given to greet old and new friends. Rad!

Harvey Prince


As usual, leave comments and suggestions below, and if you have a link to your blog share that below too!! I'm always up for a good read. Have a good rest of the week guys, and don't let anyone steal your bliss. In fact, if you have any good motivational posts, links, pinterest pins, link them below too!!
J <3.

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