Sunday, February 17, 2013

Birchbox: Red Carpet Ready

          February, oh February. Little Updates: My Birthday was on the 7th, then there was Valentines on the 14th, and that's February thus far. I do start a new job tomorrow: stylist at Rocks Blow Dry Bar, so that's some exciting stuff. The rest of this month will be filled with training and their grand opening is the first of March. Still been doing some redecorating around the house, and I am STILL on my couch for suitable (at this point somewhat suitable would do) throw pillows. I've given up on going out of my way to find cool art work. We actually ended up framing some fabric (well, pieces of fabric, as I destroyed a Target Nate Burkus curtain in doing so) to hang above the works. I'm also coloring my hair back dark, because the burgundy was starting to feel "mehh" in general to me. So, Birchbox, Birchbox. Tis Birchbox that was late this month, not my post! With all the snow they were having at the BB headquarters, the box was snowed in for a bit, but it is here and I am ready to talk about it.
     Normally, I try not to give bad reviews on things. If I try something that's not so good I just won't use it or give it the public praise, unless I've been specifically asked to try and review a particular product, which happens time to time. But I was all excited about the February box, how could the Feb. box not be brilliant. I opened it with my usual "can't wait to see" mindset and boy was I disappointed. I'm sorry Birchbox, I do love you, but what happened this month. The contents were not only seemingly minimal compared to past boxes, but the quality also seemed a little questionable. And the fact that the box's theme was "Red Carpet Ready"....oh, such a let down. Mehh.
Here's what I got:

BB box contents
* Color Club Nail Polish... in the shade Mamba. It's a glossy red nail polish, what more can I say. I'm not a red nail polish wearer on the daily, so this is most likely going to mom. It's just a little sample size bottle and I'm not familiar with the brand.
*Ghiradelli chocolate square... this was called a sweet treat in the product description that came with the package...since our house is still recovering from all the Valentine's chocolate and what not, I had no interest in partaking in this little guy. Once again, Mom.
*Ojon Thickening Spray... ummm, hello!! This wasn't even in my box!!!!!!! I need to email them or something, because the fact that this little guy is m.i.a. is probably why my box looks so sad. I like Ojon products too!! Oh Birchbox.
*Juicy Couture Couture La La...another fragrance sample, which doesn't particularly bother me or anything. Juicy Couture is always coming out with something new. This one is a blend of mandarin, red currant, lily and orange blossom.
*twistband Thick Headband... I'm sure by now everyone has seen these elastic ties made with soft elastic and no metal pieces or anything that will crease or pull at your hair. It's a pretty simple concept. This is actually a headband (pictured in green above). The only thing that made me go "mehh" about this was the fact that when I gave the headband a little tug, the knot began to come undone, so I stopped messing with it.

And that's it. Not anything else to say, describe, or recommend this time. Hope everyone is having a great February thus far, and that everyone got what they were hoping for out of Valentine's Day!!

Bonus Jonas:
check out this precious little Valentine gift (one of) from my husband!!------->
YES!! It is a pebble...and if you know anything about penguin habits, or if you've seen "Good Luck Chuck" then you know why this is the best. **proceed to google if you have no clue** everyone saw "AWWWWWWWW". xoxo.

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