Sunday, November 20, 2011

Breaking Dawn Top 10

*Potential minor spoilers* I finally dragged my husband to see Breaking Dawn today and I am more in love with that sparkling vampire Edward than ever. And being the Twilight fan that I am I was, in true nerd fashion, on the edge of my seat for the whole film, and I am not sorry. I think my husband thinks its actually funny to watch me watch the movie. I fall for the Edward-Bella storyline every time! So, being said nerd, here's my top 10 things I loved about Breaking Dawn on the big screen, in no particular order.

  1. Bella's wedding dress (particularly the back)
  2. The flowers and lights dripping all around the wedding ceremony (ngl, I cried, haha)
  3. The fact that Iron&Wine's "Flightless Bird, American Mouth" was played during the ceremony (the same song from the prom scene in the first film!)
  4. Edward's toast to Bella..."no amount of time is enough, so let's start with forever", total awww moment.
  5. Bella's wedding makeup...she looked her best ever! tied with her makeup in the blue dress after her transformation.
  6. Jacob picking Bella up while dancing (umm, yeh, I am a hopeless romantic...Twilight placates that in me)
  7. Jacob imprinting the baby.
  8. Jasper and how he always looks so dapper, regardless of what he's doing.
  9. Edward Cullen...just in general, that counts as one.
  10. Edward breaking the bed with his damn, yes.

So, obviously I can't wait until Part II!! I am so excited I can't even talk about it.
I realized though that we all have our Edwards and Jacobs, like Bella...who is your Edward and who is your Jacob??

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