Thursday, March 21, 2013

Pretty Little Liars: S3 Finale Top Ten

     I thought about this and thought about this, and ultimately thought about it so much I had to write about it...the Pretty Little Liars Season 3 finale from Tuesday night. I was totally going to write about this yesterday but my husband whisked me off to a surprise date to the Melting Pot (my fave) last night...totally sweet right?! Gold star for hubs. So, the finale definitely had me glued to my television screen, I couldn't have helped it if I wanted to. I was tweeting with others, and even my husband was watching avidly, haha. I figured I would go ahead and do a Top 10 to merely satiate my desire to talk about it all!! So in no particular order I present my PLL S3 TOP 10:

1. Troian Bellisario
In case you didn't know, she plays Spenser Hastings on the show. I love her. I'm smitten. Her character this season, amaze. She became so complex outside the scope of the "liars" and when she had her breakdown in the woods and entered Radley, wow. I was totally impressed with Bellisario's scope of acting, more so than any of the other girls this season. I love a character that is capable of such a range of emotions. Oh, and we all realize it was Spencer who picked up Malcolm before he dropped the dime on her right?!!
2. Toby
Ahhh!! He's alive! I kind of felt that he was, but didn't want to put my money on it at first. Twitter was a buzz with #TobyIsAlive. And the look on his face when he realized he was sitting across from Spenser, priceless. I figured Spenser had known he was alive,but to see them together again, YES!! In the hotel, when Toby cried and one thing led to another...YES. A lot of people were still questioning if Toby was genuine in saying he only joined up with the A Team to protect Spenser, but I do believe those were his intentions. He was too concerned and upset with Spenser for lying about A in the past. Love them together.
3. Mona
They have really set Mona's character up for an interesting next season. I was surprised when Mona said she didn't know who red coat was. I mean we all had pretty much figured that red coat was running the show, but I really thought Mona knew. And when Mona got the text at the end from A with the other liars it opened up the possibility that she is now a victim of A too. As whacked out as Mona had been, I personally don't think she would set herself up as a victim in this particular way. Thoughts??
4. Red Coat
Do we really think that Alli is red coat?! Mona saw her. Hannah saw her. Spenser saw her. It stands to reason that yes it is, but I feel like it is oh so much more than that. Now, let me preface this by saying I have not read the books, and I am content watching this all play out via the show. Here's my is Alli, but it isn't. They were so focused on seeing Alli's face, but we never heard red coat talk or anything. Now, Alli has appeared in dreamlike states to the girls before but she even eluded to herself as being dead at those times. Soooo, what if someway somehow Alli had a twin. It makes sense that it could be written in like that. Maybe it's too predictable, maybe it's too far-fetched and twisted to the story that already exists. Either way, I'm writing it off as red coat still unknown til we see more.
5. Who is in the Trunk?!
The question that is at the forefront of all questions after the finale. The last scene ends with all the girl's looking into the trunk of Wilden's car, which mysteriously found it's way out of the lake. So, who was in the trunk. I have ventured my own guess, but I shall refrain from putting it on here. I read an article, which I believe was an interview with Troian Bellisario, that said the trunk mystery will be revealed in the first seconds of the Season 4 premiere in June.
6. Who is being pulled out of the ground?!
Who was pulling who out of the ground at the end?! I don't even want to venture a guess I just want to know!!
7. Aria & Ezra
Other than the arrival of Malcolm into Ezra's life, and the whole debacle with Spenser being the one who picked him up and took him to the carnival, there wasn't much going on with Aria & Ezra. Still, let's discuss. Her parents aren't particularly thrilled with the whole baby mama thing, Ezra wants a teaching job (and let's face it, we all knew he would end up subbing Aria's class), and it took Aria two separate times to break up with Ezra before he accepted it. They are forever breaking up and rekindling their love, I have a feeling this will continue.
8. Eddie Lamb
Remember him??! Spenser's nurse at Radley...the one who told her about the problems with the badges (Toby had Lamb's name on his badge, remember). He knew a lot about Mona's time at Radley and was responsible for leading Spenser to Mona's game board map, and he obviously knows something is going on with Wren. Now, I know that this wasn't referenced anywhere in the finale, but I feel it is still obviously pertinent to things to come early on in Season 4. I was actually surprised that Wren, or Eddie, didn't surface in any way in the finale. Definitely curious about what's going on with all of that!!
9. Jenna
Let's handle this with some rapid fire questioning: Why was Jenna meeting with Shawna? Did Jenna know Toby was alive this whole time? Why didn't she clean all the mail and newspapers off the porch?!! This girl is a hot mess of motive questions already.
10. The Clothes
As always, can I just say how I love pretty much every single thing worn by the PLL closet. If only I could have my way in their wardrobe department. Want. Love. Swoon.

So, that is my "piece" on the PLL Season 3 finale. Who would have thought I would care so much. Not really care, in true sense of the word, but it simply entertains me and that's as good a reason as I need to have my mini fan girl moment. It provides me a nice little break from the stresses of the day you could say.
If you are a PLL fan and want to discuss or add to my Top 10 thoughts, then please comment!!

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